Welcome to Lincoln Park Zoo's newest exhibit: The Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House! This state-of-the-art building, designed to provide visitors with close-up views of fifty different species of animals, took over four years and $12 million to complete. Experience the Reptile Gallery and Small Mammal Gallery to observe the endangered Aruba Island Rattlesnake, a colony of Naked Mole-Rats and Short-Eared Elephant Shrew, among many others. Continue your journey through a Baobab Tree while keeping an eye out for Mountain Fruit Bats and a King Baboon Spider!

The unveiling of The Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House begins an entirely new era of Lincoln Park Zoo's leadership in wildlife exhibition, ecological education and conservation.

Explore the building's domed, five-story Ecosystem filled with mixed-animal exhibits that include waterfalls, dense vegetation and thatched hut outposts. Learn more about the Cotton-Top Tamarin, Dwarf Crocodile and the Strangler Fig Tree as you experience animal and plant life within a variety of simulated wet forest and dry savanna habitats.

Besides providing natural settings for the animals, you will experience the ecosystem's skylit forested atmosphere--virtually a year-round wildlife garden--from either its main floor or a mezzanine level. On the main floor, there are two overlook areas offering particularly dramatic views and educational presentations by trained volunteers. Above, the Koala Overlook will allow visitors to see these animals at tree-top level. The mezzanine's Canopy Outpost, a special area for educational and other zoo activities, offers views into the Ecosystem and out toward the city skyline.